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The Economic System

Author: John M Kuhlman

In the year 399 B.C., Socrates drank of the hemlock. He had paid the supreme penalty for his crime against society. That crime was the promotion of freedom of thought and inquiry. The list of those who have been persecuted or ridiculed because of their promulgation of new and different ideas is lengthy. Differences of opinion have persisted throughout the ages, and these differences promise to continue in the years ahead.

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R.D. Irwin

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Categories: , , Tags: , , Product ID: 26435


This book is about the organization, operation, and performance of economic systems, both in theory and in practice. It deals with alternative methods of determining the bill of goods to be produced, the allocation of resources to produce it, and the distribution of the resulting income. These are some of the most vital questions of our time, for all economies, and this book explores various alternative answers by analyzing different economic systems and comparing them with each other.


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