The story may be conveniently divided into two major periods, the period before and that after 1898. In the first of these two periods, three broad lines of development may be traced: the evolution of the isolationist viewpoint as regards Europe, the rise and growth of the principle of the Monroe Doctrine as regards our relations with the New World, and the process of expansion from the original territorial limits of the United States to a truly continental domain. In the second period, the scope of American action widens. In the East, in Europe, and in the Americas there are great movements which may be considered in turn and which bring us to the portentous role exercised by the United States today. Of course the division between these two epochs is not as sharp as the selection of a given date like 1898 would make it appear. From time to time, in the recounting of the story, we may be compelled to go a little further forward or backward to understand fully the events with which we deal. But the division is in the main a sound one, based on that awakening to a sense of national power that undoubtedly followed upon the war with Spain. It has a significance that cannot be denied.
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