The two Tarikhs bearing the title Firoz-Shahi appeared as the fifteenth and sixteenth articles in the third volume of the original edition of this work published in 1871. The first of these the Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi of Ziaud din Barni is reprinted in the present volume under the title Later Kings of Delhi. In this history Barni records the reigns of eight Slave Kings, beginning with Sultan Ghiyasud din Balban and ending with only six years of the reign of Firoz. The Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi of Shamsi Siraj, which will follow this work, is exclusively devoted to the reign of that monarch, and therefore has a better right to the title than Barni’s history. The following extracts from the Editor’s prefatory comments on Barni’s history is reprinted from the First Edition: “Barni’s work approaches more nearly to the European idea of a history than any one which has yet come under Narrow-minded and bigoted, like Muhammadans in general, he yet has a care for matters besides the interests of his religion and the warlike exploits of the sovereign representatives of his faith.
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