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Studies In Islamic Culture In The Indian Environment

Author                   :    Aziz Ahmad

The development of Islamic culture in India is as much a regional formulation of universal Islamic culture as a response to the tensions arising out of its tenacious persistence for survival, its fear of submergence and the compromises it made from time to time in the overwhelmingly non-Muslim environment of India. It has therefore been studied in this work in separate sections, in relation to the Muslim world in general, and in relation to Hindu India.

Accession No       : 12532

Language              : English

Number of pages : 330

Publishing year     : 1964

Publisher                : Oxford University Press

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The first part deals exclusively with the religious political ‘pull’ of Dar al-Islam, felt in various phases of its history by Muslim India: its attitude to the ‘authority’ and the ‘myth’ of the ‘Abbasid caliphate; its feeling of insecurity under the Mongol threat; the relations of its Mughal empire with the other two contemporary Muslim empires, the Ottoman and the Safavid, and the role of smaller Indian Muslim states in that pattern of the Muslim world; and finally under the British rule the tensions and the division of its political-emotional will between attachment to the centralizing ideologies of Dar al-Islam and the exigencies of separate political development within the sub-continent. The second part examines the problems of environmental tensions in Muslim culture in India; trends of synthesis and antithesis in various political, cultural and religious fields mutations and divisions and antagonisms. Hindu and Muslim religions, civilizations and ways of life co-existed together for well over a thousand years, undergoing alternating or simultaneous processes of mutual attraction and repulsion.



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