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India , Pakistan , And The West

They lived on the fumes of roast meat and the scent of fruits and flowers, but suffered severely from the odours of cities because of their unusually sensitive nos- trils. These stories were incorporated by Herodotus, Strabo, and others in their works, became part of the classical literary tradition, and so descended to western Europe.

Accession No       : 214657

Language              : English

Number of pages : 240

Publisher                : Oxford University Press

Published Year      : 1949

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Pergival Spear

Accession No




Number of Pages



Intiyā, pākistāṉ, maṟṟum mēṟku


Oxford University Press

Publishing Year




Categories: , Tags: , Product ID: 25391


INDIA has been traditionally regarded as a land of wonder and mystery, a place where strange people live and strange things happen. This tradition was estab- lished by the Greeks, whose first observer of whom we have any record embellished his account of India in the sixth century B.C. with marvels. The Skiapodes, he said, were a race with feet so large, that they were able to use them as sunshades, while others had ears of equal pro- portions in which they could wrap themselves against the cold. Herodotus followed with the story of ants ‘larger than foxes but smaller than dogs’ who threw out gold dust from their diggings in the desert, which was then procured by ingenious and hazardous means. From this it was but a step to the story told by Ctesias of a creature like a lion with a human face, shooting stings from its tail, and that of Megasthenes concerning a race of gentler manners’, who had no mouths.



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