This gospel of action, which ensures not only the progress and welfare of individual life, more so of the life of people at large became the living theme of the masses, particularly in Tamilnadu in the 20th century. The credit for that Herculean task goes straight to a solitary personality, whose genius has been recognised throughout India. By showing the deepest concern for the down trodden, he became their Brother-Anna. By the display of scholarship, intellectuals were forced to recognise his leadership, thus was conferred on him the title of Wisdom-Arignar. Arignar Anna, born on the 15th September 1909 in Canchipuram lived only for sixty years. While one third of his life was spent for education, two-thirds of his life was dedicated to the services of the masses, particularly in Tamilnadu. Arignar Anna not only revived in Tamil Nadu the ancient Greek conception of universal Brotherhood, more so he lived by it and thereby set an illustrious example for independent thinkers all over the world. As an intellectual, powerful writer and journalist, Anna’s mind was bent towards progressive ideals which were sweeping over the politico- economic changes of Western Society. It was in that perspective he was attracted by ideas of Socialism and Democracy. However in my humble opinion, Arignar Anna was primarily humanitarian and secondarily a democrat.
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