In Britain, the area under crops and pasture has remained the same during the last 20 years for the obvious reason that there is no more land available for cultiva- tion. Experimentation and research have made possible diverse uses of land without robbing it; rather, the soil is continuously being built up, and the out-turn bas increased by 60 per cent during the period. In spite of a general freedom for the farmer to grow what he likes, there are restrictions with regard to potato cul- tivation. The area for this crop was fixed in 1959 at 670,000 acres, and a fine of $28 was levied on every acre sown with potatoes, in excess of the individual allot- ment. In the U.S.A., crop planning is active under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and the present problem is to limit acreage under different crops with a view to minimise the surplus and storage difficulties. In spite of this, agricultural resources are receiving top attention.
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