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Drills And Tests In English Sounds

This book is based on the modern view that the sounds of a language are significant only when they contrast with each other: i.e., when the substitution of one sound for another in otherwise the same utterance produces a change of meaning. For example, in English,. i: (the vowel sound in seat) and i (that in sit) are two significant sounds, because if you put it-in-p-k-you-get-a-different meaning from the one you get if you put i there (the difference is that between peak and pick). In French, on the contrary, whether you put i: or i in p-k does not change the meaning (pique), although one sounds more familiar to a Frenchman than the other.

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L . A . Hill

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Āṅkila olikaḷil payiṟcikaḷ maṟṟum cōtaṉaikaḷ


The University Grants Commission

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Categories: , Tags: , Product ID: 25549


In Hindi phal (with aspira- ted p, or p with a puff of air after it) is different in meaning from. pal, with unaspirated p. In English, on the contrary, it makes no difference whether you put aspirated or unaspirated p before -æl; you still get the word pal, although one version sounds more familiar than the other. English insult with the stress on the first syllable is a noun, but insult with the stress on the second is a verb. No such stress contrasts are possible in, for instance, Czech and Hungarian. Different languages have thus different contrasts between sounds. If two languages happen to make the same contrasts between a certain pair of sounds, it will be easier for speakers of one of the languages to learn that contrast in the other: for instance, both English and German have a contrast between n (the last sound in sin) and n (the last sound in sing).


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