R.P.Karkaria’s paper on “Akbar and the Parees”, read before Bomby Branch of Royal Asiatic Society on
August 8. A.D. 1896, and published in J.B.B.R.A.S., vol. No.LIII.
August 8. A.D. 1896, and published in J.B.B.R.A.S., vol. No.LIII.
Author : B.P.Ambashthya
An attempt has been made in the editor’s to present a clear and cogent picture on the materials treats those articles in the background of Akbar’s eclecticism in his digious views.
Accession no : 52641
Language : English
Number of pages : 266
Publisher : Janaki Prakashan ,Lohanipur, Patna-3
Year of Publishing : 1976
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