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A Modern Economic History of England and India (part 1)

Author:  T. Srinivasaraghavan

In times of insecurity (such as the Danish invasions) the small man would naturally seek the protection of one more powerful, and be ready to surrender some of his own rights for that protection. He became his lord’s man and tenant. Under William I this dependence of one man upon another higher in the scale was developed and systematized, and formed the basis of the feudal organization of society in which the manor was a recognized unit.

Accession  No       : 8000946

Language              :   English

Number of pages :   283

Year of Publishing  : 1954

Publisher                :  Macmillan and Corporate Limited

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Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 22032


The exact origin of the Manorial System,” the rural frame work of England in the Middle Ages, is obscure, and has been the subject of much controversy. It was not a system or form of organization peculiar to England, for it was also widespread on the Continent of Europe. But it was by no means uniform wherever it occurred. Not only were there differences between the English and Continental versions, but in England itself there were marked variations throughout the country as to organization or in the degree to which it was applied. The variations were due to geographical as well as historical reasons. It would therefore be wrong to imagine manorial organization as a carefully thought out system of universal application.



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