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The Jamal 2006-2007

Author: Jamal Mohamed College
This issue, The Jamal presents in a concise format the initiatives for quality that we have undertaken, the expansions that we have made, the activities of our departments, the highlights of research, training and up gradation of skills by our staff as well as the achievement of our students during the academic year 2006-2007.

Language              : English

Number of pages : 326

Year of Publishing  : 2007

Publisher                :  Jamal Mohamed College

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We at Jamal are conscious of these demands on education, and have all through these years strived to develop methodologies and mechanisms, initiatives and approaches to realize them. The centre that we cater to is a diversified student body which includes, first generation learners who attended publicly funded schools, to those from professional and higher income families who patronized private institutions. Even as we geared ourselves to meet these challenges, we have kept a watchful eye on the quality of education that we impart. Our quest for quality has seen us submit ourselves, yet a second time to the NAAC to get ourselves reaccredited on the criteria of curricular aspects, teaching- learning and evaluation, research, consultancy and extension, infrastructure and learning resources, student support and progression, organization and management and healthy practices.




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